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Flower Photography

Simplifying flower photography

Want to take better photographs of flowers?

The aim of this section is to provide flower photography tutorials to help photographers improve their photographs by providing help and advice on many aspects of flower photography. The aim is to keep everything simple and easy to understand – who needs complicated?

There are tutorials on various elements of flower photography as well as general photography. The “How was this done” section takes the reader through how various images were created and the techniques used to produce them. The blog section provides a number of brief helpful hints and tips. Topics include exposure, aperture, shadows, backgrounds, f stops and many more.



The tutorials will guide the reader in a step by step fashion through various aspects of flower photography. These topics will include topics such as backgrounds, composition, light, special techniques and much more.

All of the tutorials will be presented in an easy to understand, straight forward and informative manner with the aim of providing help to photographers of all skill levels because who needs complicated?

Tutorial Screenshot
Free Tutorial
Backgrounds part 1 – To download your free tutorial on ‘Backgrounds’ please enter your details below and then click the button.

How was this done?

Dance of the Flowers

This is one of my favourite images. It is wild and random and seems to accuratley depicte the nature and essence of these flowers.
For a detailed description of how this image of the Japanese anemones was taken please just click here.

How was this done?


Morning Poppies

This is one of the best selling images from flower photography. Check out 1x.com for sales information.

For a detailed description of how this image of some morning poppies was taken please just click here.

Coming soon...

More tutorials will be available in the near future. Soon to be published will be ‘composition’ and ‘light’.
Tutorial Example
Tutorial Example
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